What Is ARTSY?
Arts for Youth Network, also known as ARTSY, is a network of professionals providing opportunities for Arts in Residential and Therapeutic Settings with Youth. ARTSY is composed of art therapists, artists, art instructors and other professionals who provide artistic opportunities for youth. Since 1997 art professionals have met to arrange an annual Therapeutic Youth Art Exhibition. Children ages 3-19, from agencies in Missouri and Illinois create art to be displayed in the annual show.
As a network, we have 3 goals:
The art shows focuses on 5 key goals:
Fostering awareness to the public about the children we work with
- Providing the children with the opportunity for expression
- Developing and strengthening self esteem
- acting as a positive reinforcement
- art production is a healthy way to release energy
In addition to creating art for the show, the children are also given the opportunity to participate alongside art professionals in a youth mentorship position. Various positions are advertised such as: youth curator, youth poster designer, youth invitation designer, and docent. The youth are encouraged to apply for a position by writing a letter and sending in artwork. The ARTSY network reads the letters, votes, and assigns the child to a position. All children who apply are assigned a position and are awarded with art supplies for their participation. The artwork is not judged and all children who provide artwork receive a certificate of participation.
The mentorship opportunities provide a wonderful experience for children in several ways:
The mentorship opportunities provide a wonderful experience for children in several ways:
- Having the opportunity to work within a professional setting
- Experiencing a job in the arts first hand
- Boosting their self esteem
- Encouraging their own dedication to the arts